Camera History and Basic Functions
Part 1
- The "camera obscura", was a dark room with a hole in one side of the wall, that projected the outside image upside down. This effect is achieved because the whole acted like a lens, reflecting the picture upside down on the opposing wall.
- The creation of the lens and the understanding of optics, by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens, helped to get one step closer to the modern camera.
- The first modern camera, the Niepce, was a glass lens, a dark box and film.
- Both the modern and Niepce camera have a lens, film, and is contained in a box sort object.
- The modern camera uses digital film, instead of actual physical film.
Part 2
- The Auto mode completely controls flash and exposure, Program mode lets you control flash.
- Portrait mode is used to take photos of an object/person and blur the background.
- Sports mode is used when someone whats to freeze an image, causing the camera to use the highest stutter speed possible.
Part 3
- You half press the trigger button to auto focus the image.
Part 4
- The symbol means that flash is disabled, and will not be used when taking a picture.
- The Auto Symbol is when the camera controls when the flash is used when the photo needs more light.
Part 5
- Too much light in a picture can wash out the image.
- When a photo does not have enough light, the image will be too dark.
Part 6
- "Stop" is used to represent a change is brightness and light.
- The new planet is 1 stop brighter.
- If there were four suns, the planet would be 2 steps brighter.
Part 7
- A longer shutter speed allows the image to have more light.
- A shorter shutter speed allows the image to have less light.
- Aperture controls the opening to allow more and less light.
- You can control the Aperture by going into the settings of the camera (aka the F Stop.)
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