Thursday, April 20, 2017

Student of the Month Story

    The Student of the Month title is a new addition to Bowie's student body competitions as of April 20th of 2017. This competition is decided by the administrators and faculty. A former Bowie Principal was interviewed April 20th to share the information about the title.

    "The Student of the Month is a student that shows effort and care towards the school and other students." says former Principal Leos. This concept has been spread across the Bowie campus as a firm expectation from administrators, but how will a student who follows this idea be seen from the rest? The massive student body is so diverse, how will the administrators decide what singular student in the student of the month?

   "faculty members recommend one student from one of their classes and then share reasons why they think they should win. Afterwords administrators get together and decide the final person." said the former Principal. When asked what qualities are looked for in a student, she stated that "This student [should show] overwhelmingly good grades while still being involved in after school activities." 

    Unfortunately this award cannot motivate those who struggle in school. When Mrs. Leos was asked if students had to have good grades, she stated "There is a bias that goes towards students with higher grades when choosing students for this title.", so sadly this friendly competition will not "benefit the students and motivate them." This competition will be yet another one of Bowie's over complicated amazing ideas to motivate the student body.

    In conclusion this title might be successful to a school with a smaller student body, but in the context of the competition being enforced in Bowie High School, it fails completely. Bowie as a whole fails to notice what motivates the student body, and resort to out dated forms of suppressing a large percentile of the school population. Not all forms of "good" come from spectacular grades. The real motivation should come from individuality of such a diverse and unappreciated group of people.

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